No Viz

I had stayed the night in the car, hoping for another day on the hill. I popped in the Glencoe Mountain cafe for breakfast before taking the access chair.

Still looking white at the base.

Well, the day after Valentine’s Day was showing no love. Mist had envelopes the mountain and it shows no sign of moving.

Only the mid mountain had lift service with the Cliffy and plateau pomas running. I decided just to make the most of what was available. There was a bit of congestion where folk were offloading.

Coming down Mugs Alley I had to jump over a corner to avoid either a crowd of people or a snow mobile zooming up the slope.

I decided that was a sign to cut the day short, so I made the decision to have a few more runs and a coffee at the mountain cafe before heading down.

The runs that were available were patched up, with quite a few rocks coming through and the high traffic areas were polished in places.

I did a little adventure run down the gully of Thrombosis. After dodging holes with rivers underneath, Ski patrol asked if I’d seen any skis (which he’d lost days before).

The team have done a great job maintaining what snow is left.

Here’s hoping for some fresh snow soon.