Breckenridge… I mean Glencoe Mountain resort
I made it a full day today. Immediately when I arrived on the slopes I saw the groomers hard at work. It was just after 9:00am and the hill had already been groomed to perfection. The slopes which had been frozen hard were now covered in beautiful corduroy.

Conditions on the hill
It was another chilly day with a wind from the East, but it didn’t feel as cold as yesterday. I even went up with one less layer. Visibility was much improved with occasional snowy flurries passing through.
From the T-bar I saw that even the Wall itself l had been groomed!, I don’t remember in over 20 years of visiting Coe if I have ever seen the Wall groomed.

This meant that after reaching the summit, I went straight to Happy Valley. From here, all the way through the narrows and down the Wall. It felt more like something you would find in the Alps, or the aforementioned Breckenridge. All that ice had been turned into the perfect canvas for big turns.
Spring Run, also groomed into a perfect piste, was a fast and direct route down to the lower slopes. The views from the top over towards Loch Ba were incredible.

After Lunch
More laps of Happy Valley and the Wall had to be done, and I think this turned out to be my favourite of the day.
It took a while for me to get round to doing Main Basin since I was having fun elsewhere on the mountain, and when I did, it was super smooth and fast, exiting via the Haggis Trap and back onto the T-bar. No bumps to worry about so you could really set the board up on its edge.
I was churning out the laps today thanks to these groomed pistes and there were no queue to speak of.
The snow down the side of Rannoch button was not groomed and a bit more choppy than the day before, but still soft. Its deep snow provided a nice contrast to the fast carving turns on the groomed lines. It firmed up on the way down Ski Tow Gulley.

Miles Better
Today I think I chalked up more distance under my board the any other day of the season so far. The hill still has full coverage Including the car park runs, and the depth of snow is incredible.
Tomorrow is looking promising with another inversion predicted. Could be sunny and looks like it may warm up slightly. Heading up for a Monday shred? Maybe I’ll see you there.