Day 12 splitboarding at Glencoe
No uplift at Glencoe other than the access chair. There had been no snow for a long time and what was there on the upper mountain was bomber, boilerplate ice.
I hiked up most of the way and partially up Etive Glades before crossing Happy Valley to the bottom of Main Basin.

I even managed to bend my ski crampons bent on the impenetrable ice, not so much that I couldn’t use them but it proved hard work to traverse my way across the slope.

I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was so desperate to go snowboarding, I gave little thought to the experience I would have on the downhill.

My turns down Main Basin were jarring, rattling the teeth from my head. It was all still worth the little adventure however.
Not a lot to write about as this was truly an act of desperation.