Clear skies, unclear future
I started the day with a phone call to work from the Green Welly Stop in Tyndrum. I found out we have been stripped back to working only 2 days in the week in a bid to preserve our jobs during the Covid 19 Pandemic. Will it be enough? Who knows? It’ll be a struggle for sure. Does anyone need any Graphic Design or Photography work done? Feel free to contact me! I’m not Joking!

Back to the snow, at least I’ve pre-paid my season pass, which has now paid for itself. I’m going to make the most of the abundance of snow at Glencoe. We’ve waited all season for calm weather and snowfall and when it does come, we are threatened with lockdown of the whole nation. As long as we can keep safe distances and practice health advice given, then I’m going to enjoy this time outside while I can.
I stood in the first queue at the bottom of the Plateau Poma. I had noticed that four people in front of me were all wearing items of ski gear that I had been involved in the design of. Three types of helmet snd a pair of goggles. Even a bag I’d done the badge for. Ironic that the job seems so insecure at the moment.

Conditions on the hill
The sun was out again, no snow had fallen overnight, but the hill was looking good. I’d lost some time in the morning with ‘that phone call’ and lift lines were hefty once again. So it wasn’t till after 11 that I was sliding down the Main Basin for my first proper run of the day.
It seemed a touch warmer as I had to remove my mid-layer to prevent overheating. The snow was good although the ice seemed to be a bit more commonplace than the day before.

All runs were open today, including the Flypaper. I went for a look and decided to avoid the roll-over at the top as it still sounded very icy. This was later verbally confirmed to be true. I opted instead to cut in at the side from the Spring Run and make the most of the softer snow further down.

I stopped at the base of the Flypaper in a quiet sport to have my lunch, watching the odd intrepid skier or snowboarder drop in and leave with whoops of joy. Once I’d finished eating, I chose Rankin’s Return making a bee-line for the toilets at the bottom of the Plateau.

All lumps and bumps had been taken care of on the slopes. I was using my Lib Tech Phoenix today, a good all-round, all-mountain free ride board and I certainly made the most of all of the mountain. The snow was fast with wide cover all over the mountain.
Queues were still there, but in the sunshine it didn’t seem so bad. When you were on the run, there seemed to be less folk around. Maybe they were all in the lines, but when you travelled up the side of Main Basin, there was no-one in it. If you were quick to get away, you could have the area all to yourself.

The views over the back were as stunning as ever. The bright blue skies over more snow than there had been in a while.
It looked like Scotland would be set for a late season of Spring snowboarding. However, the way things were going with the latest Corona Virus news, meant we were on borrowed time. Just another disaster for Glencoe to deal with in this terrible season, but also something every one of us shall be effected by.
I returned to the car where I would be spending the night.