Having missed some sunny days midweek Sunday was the only day I could do. There was a chance of sunny spells but as daylight broke it was clear the clouds were here to stay.
Winds were light and temperature just below zero.
We went straight up as lower slopes were scoured. The main basin had great snow but viz was down to nothing. You must use the force and feel your way down. A few runs up top and we decided to swap snow conditions for visibility instead. Hard in places but complete, we spent the rest if the day on Mugs Alley with its dirty knuckles and fresh grass sections which you could even smell as you skipped over the vegetation. This was compensated for with a rest on the Cliffy chairlift.
Lifts closed and everyone converged on the Plateau Run. My holiday, a week from now, passed before my eyes as I heard ski turns closing in on me from behind. Skis appeared either side of my right leg. The skier spun around, grabbing me and as I tried to keep both of us upright I could feel my thigh muscle pulling and burning. We keeled over together and he ended up on top of me. Pride dented and board scratched but no one hurt permanently.
A good day all in all and the staff did a grand job as usual despite conditions.