Day 6 of my season at Glencoe Mountain Resort
Saturday started slightly warmer than the day before, but once on the. Mountain it was obvious that it had remained cold higher up.
The first run from the Rannoch Chair down to the Cliffy started very icy and once up in Main Basin you wouldn’t want to come back down unless it was absolutely necessary. I had snacks and water in my bag, so this is where I’d stay.

Main Basin the summit area was a bit lumpy and I wasn’t sure if it had been pisted at all. After the first few runs the queues started to form and you would join the back of it around the top of the Wall T-bar.
Numbers were limited and it was just as well as the summit T-bar was all that was running after the Three chairs for access. Quite a few visitors were up and with little available at low level, Main Basin was the place to be. Spring Run and the Fly were both closed.

I was called in to action by Mick who decided to do Wagon Wheel off the back of the Mountain. I had to keep eyes on him during his off piste mission. He had his axe and crampons, I didn’t, so I remained perched above on the rocks until he disappeared into the mist below. He would climb back out, later telling me “it could have been softer, but still nice”.

After I’d eaten I did a few more runs before heading down to the Cafe and sledging area to meet some friends who were visiting. There were plenty of folk who come up just for a sledge.
The conditions were clearer than yesterday but the snow was harder with death cookies whacking my knees on toe side turns. There was the odd patch of mist that would come through but the morning stayed bright.

We were warned that winds would pick up during the day and thy mostly stayed away. Darker clouds did start to make their way towards the hill engulfing Buachaille Etive Mór beforehand.
It is still January and there should be plenty of time for snow to return, however it would be good to get a top up of snow soon.

There are lots of events coming soon to Glencoe Mountain, such as UpBattle split boarding event and The Glencoe Gathering to name but two. We need to get our cumulative snow dances going and summon the white stuff.