This summer while cycling/camping on Vatersay, the first stop on my travels I found this message in the little haven that is the Vatersay Hall Toilet facility.
They were putting out an appeal as they had lost their funding for the upkeep of the toilet.
I just received a response from a representative thanking us for our email campaign. The grant for the facility has been reinstated!
However, the funniest part is the last line of Donald Manford’s email at the end of the chain. Not sure if it was deliberate or not. “…movement at last”
From: Michael MacDonald
Subject: Vatersay Hall Toilet Facility
Dear all, it is with concern that I write, having been informed of the withdrawal of council funding for the upkeep of Vatersay Hall toilets.
I travel on bike to the Western Isles every summer. Often my first stop is the beautiful beaches of Vatersay.
As I travel with my tent I am often at the mercy of the weather.
On more than one occasion, these facilities have literally saved me during the night. Even to the point where I have used these toilets at 3 in the morning to escape a storm. Using the hand dryer to restore movement to my hands!
I do leave a monetary donation whenever I pass, but I cannot believe the council think it is OK to remove funding, thinking tourists and travellers can wait to get to Castlebay.
For walkers and campers whom, I imagine make up a large contingent of visitors, this is not always possible.
Please re-instate the support for this little outpost in one of my favourite spots in the whole of Scotland. I only visit from Glasgow, but I’d hate to imagine what folk from further afield would think if they couldn’t have use of these facilities.
From: Mary Maclean
Fwd: Toilet grants
Many thanks for your support. Please see attached document. Your input clearly helped.
Judy Rapoport
Treasurer VCA
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: judy rapoport <>
Date: 2014-09-19 17:02 GMT+01:00
Subject: Fwd: Toilet grants
To: mary maclean <>
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Cllr. Donald Manford <>
Date: 2014-09-19 16:02 GMT+01:00
Subject: Toilet grants
To: judy rapoport <>
Judy, see report below. Looks like movement at last. Well done, Donald