Lockdown Mission No. 10
Travel restrictions had been lifted and some hospitality was open for business. Unfortunately this did not apply to the ski centres, including Glencoe Mountain Resort.

However they were running the access lift there, so I took full advantage and I only had to hike the remaining road up the Plateau to Mugs Alley before putting on the snow shoes.
Main Basin was still a bit juddery, it was frozen as it was a cool day with high clouds so the sun had little chance to soften the snow.

On my second ascent I met Scott who had managed to travel down from Orkney. We chatted on the way up. He gave advice on buying splitboards and exploring the backcountry in the U.S.

We had one glimmer of sun on the third trip up, but it was short lived.
On our last run down we descended what was left of The Wall, which ran out where it crosses the t-bar track.

Thankfully the Access lift was still running so I could avoid painful toes I usually get when walking down the mountain track.
Fingers crossed I can make it up next week.