I’m a bit late to the party as I’m sure you already know, Saturday was epic, with fresh snow and bluebird conditions.
Friends were visiting and we had a micro lodge booked for the weekend. I had a slow start despite stating the night. Friends were collecting lift passes and hiring gear. What do they say about no friends on a powder day?

Anyway we did get up there and what a sight it was. Full cover and cobalt blue skies. Every lift was running. So after a futile attempt to teach someone how to ride the Poma, it was off to the Cliffy and with friends settled in on Mugs Alley, I snuck off to get some of the goods higher up.

Spring run was full of churned up piles of powder, still lovely and soft and the drop was good down the red run. Run of the day was Etive Glades though. The entrance didn’t look promising with the groomer track churning up a few rocks (of which Etive Glades has many!). Once off the track, there was well packed powder leading all the way down to the top of the Wall. This provided the best turns of the day by far. Best of all, there was barely a soul to be seen here.

I swapped my time between the top of the mountain and lower down to check in on friends. Mugs Alley just needs a slight top up to fill some holes, but all in all cover was great across the resort. Even the home run was pretty much complete.

Lift lines were not a problem, despite the busy car park (Which could have been fuller with better parking). Visitor numbers were also restricted.
This was a day, we are all in need of. Let’s hope for a few more. We have further snowfall on the way.