Arrived in car park at Glencoe Mountain Resort with heavy snow flurries, but I have a concern I’ll be trapped. I waited till flurry passed after 1 1/2 hours and I was sure I’d get the car out.

I picked up path and put snowshoes on from 450 m altitude, just leaving the carpark for the track.
It was very blustery, but the sun was poking through the cloud. I overtook a few ski tourers in my snowshoes as they handled the shallow snow much better and could cope with the large drifts on the way up too.

The wind was driving pretty large snow accumulation in leeward slopes. Ski Tow gully was rammed with snow. There was a high avalanche risk so made point of avoiding Eastridge area.
The snow gave way underfoot so I was sticking to exposed rock where possible. Snowshoes were ideal for this mixed terrain.

I had some food once at the summit but didn’t hang around too long.
Packed up in very blustery wind but this contrasted beautifully with silent powder turns down through Main Basin. My legs at the end were very tired so one run only today.

I crossed back into Ski Tow Gulley then down under Rock Garden to Mugs Alley and on to the plateau, and part way down the car park run until I had to walk once again. Sun was shining even more by time I got back to car and luckily the snow was starting to clear from the road.