I had driven up on Friday evening, I had hoped to get up for an afternoon, but it wasn’t to be. I was ready to get up the hill pre 9 on Saturday morning though. I was in the first bunch of folk up the access lift and keen to get up top. I was planning on leaving early to get back up to Glasgow for a function.

The sky was blue and the going was firm. It was a bit blowy and I assume thats why the Cliffy wasn’t running yet. So once up the Wall and the Summit tows, Main Basin lay before us, groomed down the middle. This allowed for a smoother alternative to the remainder of the hill, which was icy, and could shake your fillings out every turn.

Lower down, below the Wall, it softened up a touch. But to be honest since the Spring Run and Flypaper were iced up, I was perfectly happy Lapping Main Basin with the odd run down Mugs Alley.
It was great seeing a lot of old and new faces, with plenty of chat on the T-bars, one of the best parts of being a regular at Glencoe in my opinion.

Without stopping for lunch, I rode through to around 2:30. A fine day indeed, with sun lasting all day and the snow was so cold that at least it wasn’t disappearing.