
   Day 13 of Scottish season 14/15. Wow, it seems like an eternity. I’m glad to be back on Scottish snow. A weeks holiday means I miss three weekends at home, but the snow is still here and I’m glad it is as I’ll miss next weekend to due to other commitments.  Today was utterly […]


A wee bit avalanchy …is how one ski patroller described the Spring Run at Glencoe Mountain Resort. Day 12 of season 14/15. The weekend was forecast to have snowy showers barrel in from the north interspersed with sunny spells. Saturday followed this script pretty close. The wind was brisk and before going up the hill […]


Day 8 of season 14/15. Decided to opt for the Sunday as weather was looking decidedly better than Saturday, and I had promised to pick up the folks at the airport. We arrived at a busy carpark and although I have my season pass I waited with Graeme in the ticket queue. Luckily walking down […]